Publication list: Jim Woodhouse

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1. Toward a psychoacoustically realistic violin physics.     M. E. McIntyre and J. Woodhouse.  Catgut Acoustical Society Newsletter 22, 18-19 (1974).

2. New results on the bowed string.   M. E. McIntyre, R. T. Schumacher and J. Woodhouse. Catgut Acoustical Society Newsletter 28, 27-31 (1977).

3. The influence of geometry on linear damping.  M. E. McIntyre and J. Woodhouse.  Acustica 39, 209-224 (1978).

4. The acoustics of stringed musical instruments. M. E. McIntyre and J. Woodhouse.  Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 3, 157-173 (1978).

5. On the fundamentals of bowed-string dynamics. M. E. McIntyre and J. Woodhouse.  Acustica 43, 93-108 (1979).

6. An approach to the theoretical background to Statistical Energy Analysis applied to structural vibration. J. Woodhouse.  J. Acoustical Society of America 69, 1695-1709 (1981).

7. An introduction to Statistical Energy Analysis of structural vibration. J. Woodhouse.  Applied Acoustics 14, 455-469 (1981).

8. Aperiodicity in bowed-string motion.  M. E. McIntyre, R. T. Schumacher and J. Woodhouse.  Acustica 49, 13-32 (1981).

9. The bowed string.  M. E. McIntyre and J. Woodhouse.  Musical Instrument Technology 4 30-37 (1981).

10. Vibration isolation from irregularity in a nearly-periodic structure: theory and measurements.  C. H. Hodges and J. Woodhouse.  J. Acoustical Society of America 74, 894-905 (1983).

11. On recognising violins: starting transients and the precedence effect.   J. Woodhouse.  Catgut Acoustical Society Newsletter 39 22-24 (1983).

12. On the oscillations of musical instruments.  M. E. McIntyre, R. T. Schumacher and J. Woodhouse.  J. Acoustical Society of America 74 1325-1345 (1983).

13. A parametric study of the bowed string: the violinist’s menagerie. M. E. McIntyre and J. Woodhouse.  J. Catgut Acoustical Society 42 18-21 (1984).

14. On measuring wood properties, Part 1.  M. E. McIntyre and J. Woodhouse.  J. Catgut Acoustical Society 42 11-15 (1984).

15. On measuring wood properties, Part 2.  M. E. McIntyre and J. Woodhouse.  J. Catgut Acoustical Society 43 18-24 (1985).

16. The use of the sonogram in structural acoustics and an application to the vibrations of cylindrical shells.  C. H. Hodges, J. Power and J. Woodhouse.  J. Sound and Vibration 101 203-218 (1985).

17. The low frequency vibration of a ribbed cylinder, Part 1: theory. C. H. Hodges, J. Power and J. Woodhouse.  J. Sound and Vibration 101 219-235 (1985).

18. The low frequency vibration of a ribbed cylinder, Part 2: observations and interpretation.  C. H. Hodges, J. Power and J. Woodhouse.  J. Sound and Vibration 101 237-256 (1985).

19. On measuring wood properties, Part 3.  M. E. McIntyre and J. Woodhouse.  J. Catgut Acoustical Society 45 14-23(1986).

20. Theories of noise and vibration transmission in complex structures. C. H. Hodges and J. Woodhouse.  Reports on Progress in Physics 49 107-170 (1986).

21. Friction and the bowed string. M. E. McIntyre and J. Woodhouse.  Wear 113  175-182 (1986).

22. Measurement of coupling loss factors by matrix fitting: an investigation of numerical procedures.  C. H. Hodges, P. Nash and J. Woodhouse.  Applied Acoustics 22 47–69 (1987).

23. On measuring the elastic and damping constants of orthotropic sheet materials. M. E. McIntyre and J. Woodhouse.  Acta Metallurgica 36, 1397–1416 (1988).

24. Microscopy of wood finishes. C. Y. Barlow and J. Woodhouse.  J. Catgut Acoustical Society, Series II, 1, 1–15 (1988).

25. Confinement of vibration by one-dimensional disorder: theory of ensemble averaging. C. H. Hodges and J. Woodhouse.  J. Sound and Vibration 130, 237–251 (1989).

26. Confinement of vibration by one-dimensional disorder: a numerical experiment on different ensemble averages. C. H. Hodges and J. Woodhouse.  J. Sound and Vibration 130 253–268 (1989).

27. Firm ground?  Old ground layers under the microscope, Parts 1 and 2. C. Y. Barlow and J. Woodhouse.  The Strad, March and April 1989.

28. Of old wood and varnish: peering into the can of worms. C. Y. Barlow and J. Woodhouse.  J. Catgut Acoustical Society Series II, 1, 4, 2–9 (1989).

29. Bordered pits in spruce from old Italian violins. C. Y. Barlow and J. Woodhouse.  Journal of Microscopy  160 203–211 (1990).  (Also reproduced in The Strad102, 234–239 (1991), under the title “Was old Italian spruce soaked?”.)

30. Tuning forks and train wheels, squealing brakes and violins: vibration in many guises.  Chapter 9, pp. 202–222, New applications of mathematics, ed. Christine Bondi, Penguin Books (1991).

31. Vibration of an elastic strip with varying curvature.  J. F. M. Scott and J. Woodhouse.  Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London A339, 587–625 (1992).

32. Probing the playability of violins by supercomputer.  R. T. Schumacher and J. Woodhouse.  SIAM News 25, 5 (1992).

33. Micromechanics of permanent deformation in softwood. C. Y. Barlow and J. Woodhouse.  Proc. 13th Riso Symposium on Materials Science, 213–219 (1992).

34. Physical modelling of bowed strings.   J. Woodhouse.  Computer Music Journal 16, 4, 43–56 (1992).

35. On the playability of violins: Part 1 Reflection functions. J. Woodhouse. Acustica 78, 125–136 (1993).

36. On the playability of violins: Part 2 Minimum bow force and transients. J. Woodhouse. Acustica 78, 137–153 (1993).

37. Idealised models of a bowed string.  J. Woodhouse.  Acustica 79, 233–250 (1993).

38. On the stability of bowed string motion.  J. Woodhouse.  Acustica 80, 58–72 (1994).

39. The influence of cell geometry on the elasticity of softwood. E. Kahle and J. Woodhouse.  J. Mater. Sci29, 1250–1259 (1994).

40. Vibration transmission through symmetric resonant couplings.  D J Allwright, M Blakemore, P R Brazier-Smith and J Woodhouse. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London  A346, 511–524 (1994).  
Reprinted in Statistical energy analysis: an overview with applications in structural dynamics,  Ed. A. J. Keane and W. G. Price, Cambridge Univ. Press (1997).

41. Influence of a bow of finite width on bowed string motion: numerical modelling and experimental evidence.   R Pitteroff and J Woodhouse.  Journal de Physique IV, suppl_(c)ment au Journal de Physique III4, C5-605–608 (1994).

42. Computer modelling of violin playing.  R. T. Schumacher and J. Woodhouse.   Contemporary Physics 36, 79–92 (1995).

43. The transient behaviour of models of bowed-string motion. R. T. Schumacher and J. Woodhouse. Chaos 5 ,509-523 (1995).

44. Self-sustained musical oscillators. J. Woodhouse.  Chapter for Mechanics of Musical Instruments (CISM lecture series, Springer Verlag 1996)

45. Investigation of damping effects on statistical energy analysis of coupled structures.  F. F. Yap and J. Woodhouse,  J. Sound Vib. 197, 351–371 (1996).

46. Stringed instruments: bowed.  J. Woodhouse.  Encyclopaedia of Acoustics, Ed. M. J. Crocker, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 4, §131, 1619–1626 (1997).

[Many of the preceding articles relating to violins were reprinted in the two volumes of Research Papers in Violin Acoustics 1975–1993, ed. C. M. Hutchins, Acoustical Society of America/American Institute of Physics (1997).]

47. Wheel-rail dynamics with closely conformal contact, Part I: dynamic modelling and stability analysis.  A. Bhaskar, K.L. Johnson, G. D. Wood and J. Woodhouse. Proc. I. Mech. E: J. Rail and Rapid Transit  211 11–26 (1997).

48. Wheel-rail dynamics with closely conformal contact, Part II: forced response, results and conclusions.  A. Bhaskar, K.L. Johnson and J. Woodhouse.  Proc. I. Mech. E.: J. Rail and Rapid Transit   211  27–40 (1997).

49. An investigation into robust force control through a constrained flexible beam.  G D Wood and J Woodhouse.  Int. J. Control   68  539–578 (1997).

50. Using laminate theory to predict vibration damping.  J. P. Talbot and J. Woodhouse.  Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing  28A 1007–1012 (1997).

51. Mechanics of the contact area between a violin bow and a string Part I: reflection and transmission behaviour. R Pitteroff and J Woodhouse. Acustica/Acta Acustica  84  543–562 (1998).

52. Mechanics of the contact area between a violin bow and a string Part II: simulating the bowed string.  R Pitteroff and J Woodhouse.  Acustica/Acta Acustica   84  744–757 (1998).

53. Mechanics of the contact area between a violin bow and a string Part III: parameter dependence. R Pitteroff and J Woodhouse.  Acustica/Acta Acustica   84  929–946 (1998).

54. Stick-slip motion in the Atomic Force Microscope. K. L. Johnson and J. Woodhouse.  Tribology Letters  5  155–160 (1998).

55. Linear damping models for structural vibration.  J. Woodhouse.  J. Sound Vib.  215 547–569 (1998).

56. The acoustics of “A0–B0 mode matching” in the violin.  J. Woodhouse.    Acustica/Acta Acustica   84  947–956 (1998).

57. Power-flow analysis of quasi-one-dimensional systems with distributed coupling. M. Blakemore and J. Woodhouse.  Proceedings, IUTAM symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis,  ed. F.J. Fahy and W.G. Price, Kluwer, Dordrecht (1999)

58. Statistical power-flow analysis of an  imperfect ribbed cylinder. M. Blakemore J. Woodhouse  and D. J. W. Hardie.   J. Sound Vib.  222 813–832 (1999).

59. The torsional behaviour of cello strings. J. Woodhouse and A. R. Loach.  Acustica/Acta Acustica  85 734–740 (1999).

60. Acoustics, Bowed instruments, Bowing; Strings, Acoustics; Microscopic musical instruments. Entries for New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2000).

61. The tribology of rosin.  J. H. Smith and J. Woodhouse.   J. Mech. Phys. Solids.  48 1633–1681 (2000).

62. Reconstruction of bowing point friction force in a bowed string. J. Woodhouse, R. T. Schumacher and S. Garoff.    J. Acoust. Soc. Amer.  108 357–368 (2000).

63. Space-time visualization of vibration of a ribbed cylinder. J. Woodhouse and J. Power. Proc. I. Mech. E. Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci. 214 1259–1271 (2000).

64. Identification of damping: Part 1: Viscous damping. S Adhikari and J. Woodhouse.   J. Sound Vib243 43–61 (2001)

65. Identification of damping: Part 2: Non-viscous damping.  S Adhikari and J. Woodhouse.  J. Sound Vib.  243 63–88 (2001)

66. Identification of damping: Part 3: Symmetry-preserving methods. S Adhikari and J. Woodhouse.   J. Sound Vib251, 477–490 (2001)

67. Identification of damping: Part 4: Error analysis. S Adhikari and J. Woodhouse.  J. Sound Vib.  251, 491–504 (2001)

68. Body vibration of the violin — what can a maker expect to control? J Woodhouse J. Catgut Acoust. Soc. Series II, 4, 5, 43–49 (2002)

69. Quantification of non-viscous damping in discrete linear systems. S Adhikari and J. Woodhouse.  J. Sound Vib260 499–518 (2003).

70. Bowed string simulation using a thermal friction model. J. Woodhouse.  Acustica – Acta Acustica 89  355–368 (2003).

71. Instability of systems with a frictional point contact: Part 1, basic modelling. P Duffour and J Woodhouse.  J. Sound Vib. 271 365–390 (2004)

72. Instability of systems with a frictional point contact: Part 2, model extensions. P Duffour and J Woodhouse.   J. Sound Vib271 391–410 (2004)

73. The bowed string as we know it today. J. Woodhouse and P.M. Galluzzo.  Acustica – Acta Acustica 90 579–589 (2004).

74. On the synthesis of guitar plucks.  J. Woodhouse.  Acustica – Acta Acustica 90, 928–944 (2004).

75. Plucked guitar transients: comparison of measurements and synthesis. J. Woodhouse. Acustica – Acta Acustica 90, 945–965 (2004).

76. Why is the violin so hard to play?  J. Woodhouse and PM Galluzzo.  Plus 31 October 2004, 

77. On the “bridge hill” of the violin. J. Woodhouse. Acustica – Acta Acustica 91, 155–165 (2005).

78. Probing the physics of slip-stick friction using a bowed string. R.T. Schumacher, S. Garoff and J. Woodhouse.  J. Adhesion 81, 723–750 (2005).

79. Sound transmission through lightweight double-leaf partitions: theoretical modelling.  J. Wang, T. J. Lu, J. Woodhouse, R. S. Langley and J. Evans. J. Sound Vib.  286, 817–847 (2005)

80. Wave propagation in two-dimensional periodic lattices.  A. Srikantha Phani,  J Woodhouse and N. A. Fleck.  J. Acoust. Soc. Amer.  119 1995–2005 (2006)

81. Studies of the sensitivity of brake squeal. T. Butlin and J. Woodhouse.   Applied Mechanics and Materials  5–6 473–479 (2006)

82. Viscous damping identification in linear vibration.  A. Srikantha Phani and J. Woodhouse. J. Sound Vib.  303, 475–500 (2007) (PDF available on request)

83. Instability of systems with a frictional point contact: Part 3, experimental tests. P. Duffour and J. Woodhouse.   J. Sound Vib304 186–200 (2007) (PDF available on request)

84. Measurement of the elastic modulus of paperboard from the low-frequency vibration modes of rectangular plates. J. Sato, I.M. Hutchings and J Woodhouse.  Japan TAPPI J. 61 71–85 (2007)

85. Perceptual thresholds for detecting modifications applied to the acoustical properties of a violin. C Fritz, I Cross, B. C. J. Moore and J Woodhouse.  J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 122 3640–3650 (2007) (PDF available on request)

86. Determination of the dynamic elastic properties of paper and paperboard from the low-frequency vibration modes of rectangular plates. J. Sato, I.M. Hutchings and J Woodhouse.  Appita J. 61 291–296 (2008)

87. Experimental identification of viscous damping in linear vibration.  A Srikantha Phani and J Woodhouse.  J. Sound Vib.  319 832–849 (2008) (PDF available on request)

88. Sensitivity of friction-induced vibration in idealised systems. T Butlin and J Woodhouse. J. Sound Vib. 319   182-198  (2009). (PDF available on request)

89. Further studies of the accuracy of clamp-on transit-time ultrasonic flowmeters for liquids. D V Mahadeva, R C Baker and J Woodhouse.  IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement.  58 1602–1609 (2009) (PDF available on request)

90. Sensitivity studies of friction-induced vibration. T Butlin and J Woodhouse.  Int. J. Vehicle Design  51 238–257 (2009)

91. Enhancing parametric sensitivity in electrically coupled MEMS resonators.  P Thiruvenkatanathan, J Yan, J Woodhouse and A A Seshia.  J. Microelectromechanical Systems 18 1077–1086 (2009) (PDF available on request)

92. Friction-induced vibration: Should low-order models be believed? T Butlin and J Woodhouse. J. Sound Vib. 328 92-108   (2009) (PDF available on request)

93. Ultrasensitive mode-localized mass sensors with electrically tunable parametric sensitivity.  P. Thiruvenkatanathan, J. Yan, J. Woodhouse, A. Aziz and A. A. Seshia.   Applied Physics Letters 96, 081913, (2010). (PDF available on request)

94. Perceptual studies of violin body damping and vibrato C Fritz, J Woodhouse, F P H Cheng, I Cross, A F Blackwell and B C J Moore. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 127 513-524 (2010) (PDF available on request)

95. Friction-induced vibration: Quantifying sensitivity and uncertainty T Butlin and J Woodhouse.  J. Sound Vib. 329 509-526 (2010) (PDF available on request)

96. What makes an object into a musical instrument? J. Woodhouse.  Plus 3 February 2011,

97. Manipulating vibration energy confinement in electrically coupled microelectromechanical resonator arrays. P. Thiruvenkatanathan, J. Woodhouse, J. Yan and A. A. Seshia.   J. Microelectromechanical systems 20, 157–164, (2011).  DOI 10.1109/JMEMS.2010.2090501 (PDF available on request)

98. The frequency response of dynamic friction: a new view of sliding interfaces. S. K. Wang and J. Woodhouse.   J. Mech. Phys. Solids 59, 1020–1036, (2011).  DOI 10.1016/j.jmps.2011.02.005 (PDF available on request)

99. Limits to mode-localized sensing using micro- and nanomechanical resonator arrays.   P. Thiruvenkatanathan, J. Woodhouse, J. Yan and A. A. Seshia.   J. App. Phys. 109, 104903-1–11, (2011).  DOI: 10.1063/1.3590143

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100. The frequency response of dynamic friction: model comparisons. J. Woodhouse and S. K. Wang.   J. Mech. Phys. Solids 59, 2294–2306, (2011).  DOI 10.1016/j.jmps.2011.08.006 (PDF available on request)

101. A systematic experimental study of squeal initiation. T Butlin and J Woodhouse.   J. Sound Vib. 330, 5077-5095, (2011).  DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2011.05.018 (PDF available on request)

102. Sound radiation from point-excited structures: Comparison of plate and sphere. Wonjae Choi, J. Woodhouse and R. S. Langley.   J. Sound Vib. 331, 2156-2172, (2012).  DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2011.12.026 (PDF available on request)

103. Perceptual thresholds for acoustical guitar models. J. Woodhouse, E.K.Y. Manuel, L.A. Smith and C. Fritz.   Acta Acustica united with Acustica 98, 475-486, (2012).  DOI 10.3813/AAA.918531 (PDF available on request)

104. Exploring violin sound quality: Investigating English timbre descriptors and correlating resynthesized acoustical modifications with perceptual properties. C. Fritz, A.F. Blackwell, I. Cross, J. Woodhouse and B.C.J. Moore.   J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 131, 783-794, (2012).  DOI 10.1121/1.3651790 (PDF available on request)

105. Interpreting the input admittance of violins and guitars. J. Woodhouse and R. S. Langley.   Acta Acustica united with Acustica 98, 611-628, (2012).  DOI 10.3813/AAA.918542 (PDF available on request)

106. Physical consequences of a nonparametric uncertainty model in structural dynamics. J. Legault, R. S. Langley and J. Woodhouse.   J. Sound Vib. 331, 5469-5487, (2012).  DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2012.07.017 (PDF available on request)

107. Boundary effects on the vibration statistics of a random plate. W. Choi, R. S. Langley and J. Woodhouse.   J. Sound Vib. 332, 850-866, (2013).  DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2012.09.029 (PDF available on request)

108. The dynamics of a ringing church bell. J. Woodhouse, J. C. Rene, C. S. Hall, L. T. W. Smith, F. H. King and J. W. McClenahan.   Advances in Acoustics and Vibration Article ID 681787, 19 pages, (2012).  DOI 10.1155/2012/681787. The article may be found at

109. Shock transmission in a coupled beam system. K. Vijayan and J. Woodhouse.   J. Sound Vib. 332, 3681-3695, (2013).  DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2013.02.024 (PDF available on request)

110. On the applicability of the lognormal distribution in random dynamical systems. R. S. Langley, J. Legault, J. Woodhouse and E. Reynders.   J. Sound Vib. 332, 3289-3302, (2013).  DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2012.12.041 (PDF available on request)

111. Friction-induced vibration: Model development and comparison with large-scale experimental tests.  T. Butlin and J. Woodhouse.   J. Sound Vib. 332, 5302-5321, (2013).  DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2013.04.045 (PDF available on request)

112. Transient response of structures with uncertain properties to nonlinear shock loading.  M. Caresta, R. S. Langley and J. Woodhouse.   J. Sound Vib. 332, 5821-5836, (2013).  DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2013.06.014 (PDF available on request)

113. Sound radiation from point-driven shell structures. C. M. Lynch, J. Woodhouse and R. S. Langley.   J. Sound Vib. 332, 7089-7098, (2013).  DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2013.08.044 (PDF available on request)

114. Modeling nonlinearities in MEMS oscillators.  D. K. Agrawal, J. Woodhouse and A. A. Seshia.   IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 60, 1646-1659, (2013).  DOI 10.1109/TUFFC.2013.2747659, (2013). (PDF available on request)

115. Shock amplification, curve veering and the role of damping. K. Vijayan and J. Woodhouse.   J. Sound Vib. 333, 1379-1389, (2014).  DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2013.10.037 (PDF available on request)

116. High-performance bowing machine tests of bowed-string transients. P.M. Galluzzo and J. Woodhouse.   Acta Acustica united with Acustica 100, 139-153, (2014).  DOI 10.3813/AAA.918694 (PDF available on request)

117. Sound radiation from a vibrating plate with uncertainty. W. Choi, J. Woodhouse and R.S. Langley.   J. Sound Vib. 333, 3966-3980, (2014).  DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2014.03.018 (PDF available on request)

118. Characterization and deformation response of orthotropic fibre networks with auxetic out-of-plane behaviour. S. Neelakantan, W. Bosbach, J. Woodhouse and A.E. Markaki.   Acta Materialia 66, 326-339, (2014).  DOI 10.1016/j.actamat.2013.11.020 (PDF available on request)

119. The acoustics of the violin: a review. J. Woodhouse.   Reports on Progress in Physics 77, 115901, (2014).  DOI 10.1088/0034-4885/77/11/115901 (PDF available on request)

120. Statistical energy analysis of inhomogeneous systems with slowly-varying properties.  J. Legault, J. Woodhouse and R.S. Langley.   J. Sound Vib. 333, 7216-7232, (2014).  DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2014.08.026 (PDF available on request)

121. Reliability of the input admittance of bowed-string instruments measured by the hammer method. A. Zhang and J. Woodhouse.   J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136, 3371-3381, (2014).  DOI 10.1121/1.4900570 (PDF available on request)

122. Numerical Study of the Impact of Vibration Localization on the Motional Resistance of Weakly Coupled MEMS Resonators. A. Erbes, P. Thiruvenkatanathan, J. Woodhouse and A.A.S. Seshia.   J. Microelectromechanical System 24, 997-1005, (2015).  DOI 10.1109/JMEMS.2014.2371072 (PDF available on request)

123. The landscape of nonlinear structural dynamics: an introduction. T. Butlin, J. Woodhouse and A.R. Champneys.   Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London A 373, ID 20140400, (2015).  DOI 10.1098/rsta.2014.0401. The article may be found here.

124. Are there reliable constitutive laws for dynamic friction?  J. Woodhouse, T. Putelat and A. McKay.   Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London A 373, ID 20140401, (2015).  DOI 10.1098/rsta.2014.0401. The article may be found here.

125. The frequency response of dynamic friction: Enhanced rate-and-state models. A. Cabboi, T. Putelat and J. Woodhouse.   J. Mech. Phys. Solids 92, 210-236, (2016).  DOI 10.1016/j.jmps.2016.03.025. The article can be found here.

126. Motion of the cello bridge. A. Zhang, J. Woodhouse and G. Stoppani.   J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140, 2636-2645, (2016).  DOI 10.1121/1.4964609.

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127. Enhanced wave-based modelling of musical strings. Part 1: plucked strings. H. Mansour, J. Woodhouse and G. P. Scavone.   Acta Acust. united Acust. 102, 1082-1093, (2016).  DOI 10.3813/AAA.919021 (PDF available on request)

128. Enhanced wave-based modelling of musical strings. Part 2: bowed strings. H. Mansour, J. Woodhouse and G. P. Scavone.   Acta Acust. united Acust. 102, 1094-1107, (2016).  DOI 10.3813/AAA.919026 (PDF available on request)

129. On minimum bow force for bowed strings.  H. Mansour, J. Woodhouse and G. P. Scavone.   Acta Acust. united Acust. 103, 317-330, (2017).  DOI 10.3813/AAA.919060 (PDF available on request)

130. Mechanical properties of nylon harp strings.  N. Lynch-Aird and J. Woodhouse.  Materials 10, 497, (2017).  DOI 10.3390/ma10050497. The article may be found at

131.  Influence of damping and nonlinearity in plucked strings: why do light-gauge strings sound brighter? J. Woodhouse.   Acta Acust. united Acust. 103, 1064-1079, (2017).  DOI 10.3813/AAA.919135 (PDF available on request)

132. Assessing friction laws for simulating bowed-string motion.  P. M. Galluzzo, J. Woodhouse and H. Mansour.   Acta Acust. united Acust. 103, 1080-1099, (2017).  DOI 10.3813/AAA.919136 (PDF available on request)

133. Frequency measurement of musical instrument strings using piezoelectric transducers. N. Lynch-Aird and J. Woodhouse.   Vibration 1, 2, (2018).  DOI 10.3390/vibration1010002. The article may be found at

134. Validation of a constitutive law for friction-induced vibration under different wear conditions. A. Cabboi and J. Woodhouse.   Wear 396-397, 107-125, (2018).  DOI 10.1016/j.wear.2017.08.010. The article can be found here.

135. Comparison of mechanical properties of natural gut and synthetic polymer harp strings. N. Lynch-Aird and J. Woodhouse.   Materials 11, 2160, (2018).  DOI 10.3390/ma11112160. The article may be found at

136. Playability of the wolf note of bowed string instruments. A. Zhang and J. Woodhouse.   J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 144, 2852-2858, (2018).  DOI 10.1121/1.5079317.

Copyright (2018) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only.  Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. The article may be found at

137. Effect of back wood choice on the perceived quality of steel-string acoustic guitars.  Samuele Carcagno, Roger Bucknall, Jim Woodhouse, Claudia Fritz, and Christopher J. Plack.   J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 144, 3533-3547, (2018).  DOI 10.1121/1.5084735. The article may be found at

138. Choosing strings for plucked musical instruments.  J. Woodhouse and N. Lynch-Aird.   Acta Acust. united Acust. 105, 516-529, (2019).  DOI 10.3813/AAA.919333. The article may be found at

139. Identifying short-term variation of dynamic friction by means of its frequency response function. A. Cabboi and J. Woodhouse.   J. Sound Vib. 472, 115212, (2020).  DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2020.115212. The article may be found at

140. Acoustics of the banjo: measurements and sound synthesis.  J. Woodhouse, D. Politzer and H. Mansour.   Acta Acustica 5, 15, (2021).  DOI 10.1051/aacus/2021009. The article may be found at

141. Acoustics of the banjo: theoretical and numerical modelling. J. Woodhouse, D. Politzer and H. Mansour.   Acta Acustica 5, 16, (2021).  DOI 10.1051/aacus/2021008. The article may be found at

142. A necessary condition for double-decay envelopes in stringed instruments. Jim Woodhouse.   J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 150, 4375-4384, (2021).  DOI 10.1121/10.0009012.

Copyright (2021) Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. The article may be found at

143. The acoustics of a plucked harp string. J. Woodhouse.  J. Sound Vib. 523, 116669, (2022).  DOI 10.1016/j.jsv.2021.116669. (PDF available on request)

144. Effects of Twisting and Surface Finish on the Mechanical Properties of Natural Gut Harp Strings. Nicolas Lynch-Aird and Jim Woodhouse. Materials 16, 5444 (2023). The article may be found at


An interview with me by Joseph Curtin in The Strad, Aug 2005, 44-48

Video of a public lecture on violin design at McGill University in March 2010

Video of a seminar about plucked string vibrations at Edinburgh University in December 2015

Video of a seminar about banjo acoustics in Cambridge in May 2020

Videos of various talks to the Oberlin violin acoustics network

Three short videos about the Cambridge Philosophical Society associated with their anniversary exhibition “Discovery” (2019)

Podcast interview with me on violin physics with Markus Voelter, for Omega Tau

A feature about the bowed-string research by Linda Day: “Analyzing the tribology of sound”, Tribology and Lubrication Technology Jan 2007, 30–37

Notes for violin makers on acoustical measurements, with Evan Davis

Some extra material about string selection, particularly aimed at harpists